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Contract № 2022-1-BG01-KA220-HED-000086899


In a multicultural Europe without borders and with the free movement of people, especially young people, visualizing the specifics of business conditions in individual countries would help to raise the level of training of future professionals. This would greatly facilitate the transfer of knowledge not only between individual teachers / universities / countries, but also between the different multicultural communities that have become part of every country in modern Europe. By participating in this project, universities practically create bridges both among themselves and between the different multicultural communities within the university / country. This would only strengthen the sense of belonging to the sharing of values in a modern united Europe. Sustainability of the project will be achieved through: 1. Publication of the project’s results on the ERASMUS dissemination platform, 2. Ensuring the continuity of the project website (the Leader). From our experience, this is a crucial activity as we have still a few downloads per month of our MELES e-book, which was published in 2017, 3. Ensuring the continuity of the Digital Library - DigiEntreMovie (S4P), 4. Joint publication of the Consortium members, 5. Collecting new storytelling (S4P), 6. Participation in Staff Weeks and Staff exchanges, 7. Implementation of the project’s results in the curricula. Continuation of the project can be found in several directions: 1. In the form of a hub for storing and using films. Access to such a hub in the digital space is virtually unlimited. Every teacher who wants to use a film must upload a video business case that meets certain requirements. After verification and approval, the film becomes part of the database and the teacher has access to all content. 2. In the form of a series presented in an unlimited number of social networks. The administrators of the database set a task for the next film and on a competitive basis, the participants offer their views on the specific topic. The participants can be both lecturers / students in Entrepreneurship and Teachers / students in directing, documentaries, etc. 3. In the form of cooperation with thematically appropriate television series in which to promote the scientific point of view on certain issues of the modern European entrepreneur. 4. Presentation, after a certain period (for example 5 years) of films for the same businesses - to present the effect over time of today's decisions.